Contact Us

Warmhome is a Digital brand and you can contact us via live chat, email or the contact form below - our opening hours are: 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.

Visit our FAQ page

Find quick answers to your questions by exploring our comprehensive FAQ page - it's often the fastest way to get the information you need.

Need to make claim?

Make a claim or book an engineer anytime, day or night, with our 24/7 Claims Line — simply call us on 0330 179 6250 or click the button below to get started immediately.

No Policy? Need a repair?

Don't currently have a policy and need a repair? Fix the existing problem today and protect yourself from future problems with Repair & Protect.

Get In Touch


Want cover for your new boiler?

Protect yourself from future eventualities, keep your new boiler under warranty and in good working order or ensure your existing boiler continues to run efficiently.

Get a quote

Need your boiler fixing fast?

When an emergency hits, get your boiler seen and resolve the issue ASAP.

Book a repair